The Tustin Area Republican Women Federated celebrated its 50th anniversary with a traditional birthday party. Presentations highlighted the history of the NFRW as well as the CFRW all leading to the founding of the TARWF in 1973.
A spirited trivia exchange of fun facts from 1973 pointed out that although club members were attending meetings wearing hats and gloves, the rest of the country sported bell bottoms, hip huggers and tied dyed “everything”. Members lined up to play pin the tail on the Democrat. Cake and ice cream were served for dessert in true birthday party fashion.
The spirit of accomplishments over the past 50 years led to encouragement of what would be possible in the next fifty. We are after all, women!
New Members of TARWF attending the TARWF 50th Anniversary Celebration!
The spirit of accomplishments over the past 50 years led to encouragement of what would be possible in the next fifty.
The Tustin Area Republican Women Federated celebrated its 50th anniversary with a traditional birthday party
A spirited trivia exchange of fun facts from 1973 pointed out that although club members were attending meetings wearing hats and gloves, the rest of the country sported bell bottoms, hip huggers and tied dyed “everything”.
Members lined up to play pin the tail on the Democrat.
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